Alexander Zaunick, 2025 Optical properties of Nanowire – Monolayer – Hybrids
Marcell Szabó, 2024 (external KTH Stockholm) Improving cyclic stability and salt adsorption capacity of cobalt Prussian Blue Analogue (CoPBA) in capacitive deionization (CDI) water treatment of highly saline water by zinc doping
Leon Kross, 2024 Hybridization of ZnO-nanowires with perylene-based dyes
Sina Wollschläger, 2024 (external Vistec GmbH) Untersuchung zur Hochspannungsfestigkeit einer 50KV-Elektronenstrahlquelle
Florian Kuss, 2024 Ionenimplantation von Chalkogenen in Silizium für Photodetektoren
Jan Böhmer, 2023 Selektives Wachstum von vertikalen ZnO-Nanodrähten
Sebastian Gratz, 2023 Dynamics of ion beam-induced defects in phase-change materials investigated by in-situ optical measurements
Sam Imani, 2023 Plasmabehandlung von elektronenbetrahlten ZnO-Nanodrahtlasern
Sören Lerner, 2023 Manipulating the luminescence of a rare-earth doped spacer
Adrian Nowotnick, 2023 Aufbau eines Hanbury Brown – Twiss Interferometers zur Charakterisierung einzelner Leuchtzentren
Julian Lisson, 2022 Untersuchung der Zerstäubungsraten bei der Ionenbestrahlung von mehrkomponentigen Nanoteilchen
Johannes Nicklaus, 2022 Ion beam irradiation of maodern materials for optical applications
Robin Schock, 2021 Ion beam engineering of the Ge2Sb2Te5-chase change kinetics
Christian Plass, 2019 Korrelationen zwischen lokaer Zusammensetzung und Stromerzeugung in Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Solarzellen
Kevin Wolf, 2019 Laserausheilung von hochdotiertem Silizium
Gesine Theeß, 2019 Elektronenstrahlunduzierte Modifikation von Halbleiternanodrähten
Mishal Rizwan, 2018 Electrical and opto-electrical measurements on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 based thin-film solar cells implanted with potassium
Cora Preiss, 2018 Composition-dependent atomic-scale structure of Cu(Zn,Fe)SnS solid solutions investigated with X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Christian Zietlow, 2018 Emissionscharakteristik von ZnO-Nanodrähten unter externen Magnetfeldern
Torsten Lindemann, 2016 Nachweis von optischen Resonanzen in Halbleiter-Nanodrähten mittels eines Rasterlumineszentmikroskops und deren Modifizierung
Maximilian Zapf, 2016 Emission tuning of CdS nanowires by temperature and strain
Walter Dickmann, 2016 Emissionscharakteristik einzelner CdS-Nanodrähte und ZnO-Mikrostäbe
Lukas Trefflich, 2016 Untersuchungen von Nanodraht basierten kohärenten Lichtquellen
Lisa Schade, 2016 Optische Eigenschaften von funktionalisierten Halbleiternanodrähten
Alexander Tille, 2016 Wachstum und Modifikation von Vanadiumdioxid Mikrodrähten und Dünnschichten
Ellen Butz, 2015 Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Kaliumfluorid-behandelten Cu(in,GA)Se2-Solarzellen
Erik Haubold, 2015 Strukturanalyse kupferarmer Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Phasen mittels Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie
Sven Bauer, 2015 Nanostrukturierung von Lithiumniobat mittels selbstorganisierter Nanostrukturmasken und Ionenstrahlen
Markus Schwiderke, 2015 Anregungs- und temperaturabhängige Lasingeigenschaften von Halbleiternanodrähten
Michelle Geelen, 2015 Ion beam doping and defect engineering of ZnO nanowires for photodetection and sensing applications
Max Riedieger, 2015 Emissionscharakteristik von ZnO Nanodrahtlasern
Tim Barth, 2015 Wachstum und Charakterisierung von Vanadiumdioxid-Mikrodrähten
Stefan Noack, 2014 Sputter Effects of Silicon Nanowires under Ion Bombardment
Benjamin Rößler, 2014 Untersuchung der Sauerstoffverteilung in memristiven Dünnschichten
Tesfaye Belete, 2014 Thinning of thin-film Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell absorber layer
Martin Salge, 2014 Herstellung und elektrische Charakterisierung von dotierten CdTe-Dünnschichtsolarzellen
Martin Krauße, 2014 Elektrooptische Untersuchungen an ionenimplantierten InS-Dünnschichten
Alexander Kusch, 2014 Elektrische und strukturelle Untersuchungen an sequenziell prozessierten Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Solarzellen
Marcel Hopfe, 2014 Ionenimplantation und thermische Ausheilung von Vanadiumdioxid-Dünnschichten
Alexander von Müller, 2014 Investigations of ion beam induced nanoscale ripple patterns and their effect on protein-surface adsorption
Sebastian Vatterodt, 2014 Elektrische und optische Charakterisierung von undotierten und dotierten Vanadium (IV)-oxid-Dünnschichten
Matthias Ring, 2013 Kontaktierung und Untersuchung des Kontaktwiderstandes von Indiumsuld-Dünnschichten
Stefanie Eckner, 2013 Untersuchung der atomaren Struktur von Cu(In,Ga)S2 mittels Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie awarded with Examenspreis der FSU Jena 2014
David Stoll, 2013 Herstellung von Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Solarzellen in einem sequentiellen Prozess
Hannes Hempel, 2013 Spektroskopische und elektrische Untersuchungen an Phosphor-dotiertem CdTe
Felix Felgenträger, 2013 Nanostrukturierung von ionenimplantiertem Lithiumniobat
Matthias Ogrisek, 2013 Kontrolliertes Wachstum von Zinkoxid und Vanadium(IV)-oxid Nanodrähten
Charlotte Weiss, 2012 Dotierung und Elektrische Charakterisierung von CdTe-Dünnschichten für den Einsatz in Solarzellen awarded with STIFT-Preis 2012
Alina Donat, 2012 Elektrooptische Charakterisierung von verschiedenen Puermaterialien und deren Einüsse auf Dünnschichtsolarzellen
Marcel Wille, 2013 Optische und elektrische Eigenschaften von Zinn-dotierten CdS Nanodrähten
Robert Röder, 2012 Modifizierung der lasingeigenschaften von Halbleiternanodrähten
Sven Möller, 2012 Biofunktionalisierung von diamantähnlichen Kohlenstoff-Schichten
Irma Slowik, 2012 Biofunktionalisierung von ZnO-Nanodrähten für die Detektion von Nukleinsäuren
Henry Holland-Moritz, 2011 Untersuchung der elektrischen Eigenschaften von Halbleiternanodrähten
Christian Müller, 2011 Optische Eigenschaften reaktiv gesputterter Kupferoxid-Schichten und Wachstum von Kupferoxid-Nanodrähten
Andreas Thielmann, 2011 Aufbau einer Mikrophotolumineszenzapparatur und Lasingeigenschaften von ZnO- und CdS-Nanodrähten
Andreas Johannes, 2011 In-situ Characterisation of ion-doped Zinc Oxide Nanowires
Julian Kühnel, 2011 Chathodoluminescence probing of semiconductor nanowires and plasmonic nanostructures
Jessica Hönig, 2011 Untersuchungen zur Adsorption von Proteinen auf nanostrukturierten Oberflächen
Andreas Falk, 2011 (extern CIS Erfurt) Metallisierung und Charakterisierung der passivierten Rückseite von Siliziumsolarzellen
Alexander Hüsler, 2011 (extern Schott AG) Detektion der Verteilung von Defekten in gerichtet erstarrtem multikristallinen Silizium für die Photovoltaik mittels Photolumineszenz
Anja Harpf, 2011 Herstellung und Charakterisierung von CdTe-Solarzellen einer neuen Prozesslinie
Susann Spindler, 2011 Morphologieänderungen und Ausrichtung von Halbleiternanodrähten unter Ionenbeschuss
Luise Hentschel, 2010 Herstellung und elektro-optische Charakterisierung von CuIn(S,Se)2-Solarzellen mit Nachsulfurisierung und CuInSe2-Solarzellen mit RTP Selenisierung unter Atmosphärendruck
Anika Brömel, 2010 Elektrische und elektro-optische Untersuchungen an Phosphorimplantierten CdTe-Schichten
Marc Teichmann, 2010 Modifikation der Fenster-Absorber-Grenzfläche in Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Solarzellen durch Ionenimplantation
Sven Schönherr, 2010 Elektrische Charakterisierung von Dünnschichtsolarzellen
Ulrich-Christian Schröder, 2010 Biofunktionalisierung von ZnO-Nanodrähten für die Nukleinsäuresensorik
Stefan Weidner, 2010 Erweiterung des Phasendiagramms von kubischem Bornitrid (cBN) und Modifikation mit Ionenstrahlen
Steffen Milz, 2010 Konzepte zur Realisierung von einfachen Nanodrahtbauelementen für die Energiegewinnung
Martin Gnauck, 2010 Elektrische Kontaktierung von ZnO-Nanostrukturen und deren Verwendung für sensorische Zwecke
Johannes Wagner, 2009 Influence of the n-hetero contact layer on the electro-optical properties of CIGS thin-film solar cells
Stefan Götz, 2009 Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Solarzellen: flexible Substrate und Kontaktwiderstände
Christian Wolf, 2009 Herstellung von CuInSe2-Solarzellen mit einem Zwei-Stufen-Prozess
Michael Kozlik, 2009 Halbleiternanodrähte für die Photonik
Maria Concetta Fravventura, 2009 Ion-beam induced nanoscale ripples on Si, TiO2 and Ti surfaces
Gabriele Bulgarini, 2009 Luminescence of single ZnS nanowires implanted with Mn and rare earths
Katharina Wegener, 2009 Elektrische Kontaktierung von Zinkoxid Nanodrähten
Joachim Dürr, 2008 Charakterisierung von Akzeptoren in Zinkoxid
Sebastian Geburt, 2008 Lanthanoid-dotierte ZnO-Nanodrähte
Raphael Niepelt, 2008 Aufbau und Anwendung eines Mikroionenstrahls zur Untersuchung der Musterbildung durch Sputtererosion
Christian Borschel, 2008 Analysis of Thin Films and Their Interfaces Using High Resolution Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry awarded with Berliner/Berliner-Ungewitter Preis 2008
Wilma Dewald, 2007 Synthese und Charakterisierung von Silizium-Nanodrähten
Sven Müller, 2005 Wachstum von ZnO Nanodrähten und deren Dotierung durch Ionenstrahlen
Daniel Stichtenoth, 2005 Wachstum und Modifikation von Halbleiternanodrähten
Bachelor theses
Max Steffen, 2024 Räumlich aufgelöste Lumineszenzdynamik von Perowskit-CsPbBr3-Nanodrähten durch Röntgenanalyse
Jamin Kahl, 2024 Breitbandabsorption in Silizium durch Chalkogen-Implantation
Felix Mania, 2024 Photolumineszenz von Erbium, Ytterbium und Bismut implantiert in amorphem Siliziumnitrid
Raja Hoffmann, 2024 Coupling lasing modes of ZnO nanowiures into TiO2 nanopillars
Marcel Buch, 2023 Realisierung eines in-situ optischen Aufbaus und erste Messungen während der Ionenbestrahlung von Phasenwechselmaterialien
Ernst Weiß, 2023 Spektrale Abhängigkeit der Ionenstrahl-induzierten Amorphisierung von Ge2Sb2Te5
Nils Wolf, 2023 Optimierung eines Hanbury Brown Twiss Interferometers für die g(2)-Charakterisierung von Einzelphotonenquellen
Paul Haßmann, 2023 Laser-Eigenschaften von ZnO-Nanodrähten auf metallischen und dielektrischen Substraten
Jakob Wurschi, 2023 Optische Modifikation von ZnO-Halbleiternanodrähten mittels Hybridisierung mit Perylen-Farbstoffen
Isabel Täuber, 2023 Untersuchung von ZnO Opferschichten bei der Implantation von Ge2Sb2Te5 Dünnschichten
Antonius Hielscher, 2023 Untersuchung der optischen Eigenschaften von Germanium-basierten Dünnschichten unter Ionenbestrahlung
Aurelia Eberhard, 2022 Hybridisierung von ZnO-Halbleiternanodrähten mit 2D-Übergangsmetall-Dichalkogeniden und Perylen-Farbstoff
Annkathrin Köhler, 2022 Optische Eigenschaften von Arsen-dotiertem Ge2Sb2Te5 und die Anwendung als Metaoberfläche
Fabian Naumann, 2021 Untersuchung der Zerstäubungsraten bei der Ionenbestrahlung von mehrkomponentigen Nanopartikeln
Patricia Asemann, 2021 Ion beam induced structural and mechanical changes in GST thin films
Lukas Haßfurth, 2021 Realisierung von Spasern auf der Basis von Halbleiternanodrähten
Jonas Grandel, 2020 Zn(O,S)-Abscheidung auf Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Dünnschichtsolarzellen
Sam Imani, 2020 Ionenstrahlinduzierte mechanische Spannungen in Ge2Sb2Te5-Schichten
Alexander Seeliger, 2020 Mikromanipulation und elektrische Charakterisierung von ZnO-Halbleiternanodrähten
Jacob Grandmontagne, 2020 Laterale Phasenkoexistenz in Ge2Sb2Te5-Dünnschichten erzeugt durch räumlich selektive Ionenimplantation
Christian Finger, 2020 Herstellung von plasmonischen Strukturen mittels fokussiertem Ionenstrahl
Axel Printschler, 2020 Optische Eigenschaften und thermische Stabilität von ionenbestrahlten Ge2Sb2Te5-Dünnschichten
Johannes Nicklaus, 2020 Elektronenstrahl-induzierte Modifikation von Halbleiternanodrähten
Adrian Nowotnick, 2019 Charakterisierung von Fremdphasen in Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Solarzellen mittels Elektronenmikroskopie
Erik Schepler, 2019 SEM and EBIC measurements of implanted Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cells
Konstantin Ruffert, 2019 Temperaturabhängige Reflexionsvermögensmessungen an ionenbestrahlten Ge2Sb2Te5-Schichten
Robin Schock, 2018 Elektronenstrahlinduzierte Strommessung an Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Solarzellen
Michelle S. Hollricher, 2018 Chemical composition and morphology of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cells
Hendrik Brehmer, 2018 Untersuchung der lokalen Zusammensetzung von Kesterit-Dünnschichten mittels energiedispersiver Röntgenspektroskopie an Querschnittslamellen
Kevin Wolf, 2017 Morphologie und lokale Zusammensetzung von kesteritbasierten Absorberschichten für Dünnschichtsolarzellen
Jelto Jordan, 2017 Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Ge2Sb2Te5-Schichten
Robert Kraft, 2016 Elektrische und elektrooptische Untersuchung von Kalium-implantierten CIGS-Dünnschichtsolarzellen
Clemens Anschütz, 2016 Elektrische in-situ Untersuchung von ionenbestrahlten Vanadiumdioxid Dünnschichten
Polina Mednikova, 2016 Wachstum von ZnO-Nanostrukturen auf amorphen Fasern
Paul Schenk, 2015 Röntgendiffrakometrie an CIGS-Dünnschichtsolarzellen
Sascha Creutzburg, 2014 Untersuchung der elektrischen Eigenschaften von funktionalisierten ZnO-Nanodrähten
Maximilian Zapf, 2014 Oberflächenmodifikation von ZnO-Halbleiternanodrähten für sensorische Anwendungen und die UV-Photodetektion
Walter Dickmann, 2014 Elektrische Charakterisierung von CIGS-Solarzellen
Torsten Lindemann, 2014 Kathodo- und Photolumineszenz-Untersuchungen an CIGSe-Hochtemperaturabsorbern
Kevin Murray, 2014 UV-VIS Spektroskopie an ZnO Nanodrähten
Felix Otto, 2013 Optimierung der Cadmiumsulfid-Pufferschicht für Substrate mit und ohne intrinsischer Schicht in Cadmiumtellurid-Solarzellen
Alexander Tille, 2013 Energiedispersive Röntgenspektroskopie und Kathodolumineszenz Messungen an CISe- / CIGSe Lamellen
Arthur Jungkind, 2013 Ionenstrahlanalyse von Cäsium-dotiertem Strontiumtitanat
Helge Neumann, 2013 Proteinadsorption auf diamantähnlichen Kohlenstoffschichten - Optimierung des Analyseverfahrens
Sven Bauer, 2013 Strukturelle Analyse von ZnO/Cu-Nanostrukturen
Claudia Schnitter, 2012 Plasmagestützter Stickstoffeinbau in CdTe für Anwendungen in Solarzellen
Attila Lüttmerding, 2012 Untersuchungen con CIGS-Dünnschichtsolarzellen mit Indiumsulfid-Puffer mittels Kathodolumineszenz
Katja Puschkarsky, 2012 Kathodolumineszenz-Untersuchungen an Indiumsulfid-Dünnschichten
Marcus Junghanns, 2012 Elektrische Kontaktierung von Eu-dotierten ZnO-Nanodrähten
Benjamin Fuchs, 2012 Cu-Implantation in ZnO-Nanodrähten
Selina Schiller, 2012 Modifizierung von Cadmiumsulfid Nanodrähten via FIB-Präparation
Matthias Ogrisek, 2012 Kontrolliertes Wachstum von Zinkoxid Nanodrähten im Drei-Zonen-Ofen
Martin Krauße, 2011 Bestimmung der Bandlücke an Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Schichten mit Hilfe optischer Messungen
Michael Brückner. 2011 Herstellung und Charakterisierung von CdTe-Dünnschichtsolarzellen bei Variation der Substrattemperatur
Christian Stolze, 2011 Phosphordotierung von CdTe-Dünnschichtsolarzellen
Moritz Laubscher, 2011 Wachstum und Charakterisierung von Halbleiternanodrähten auf vorstrukturierten Substraten
Stefanie Kosan, 2011 Ionenstrahlerosion von TiO2
Irma Slowik, 2010 Herstellung und Charakterisierung von ZnO-Nanodraht-Feldeffekttransistoren
Michael Reichmann, 2010 Synthese von Halbleiternanodrähten einheitlichen Durchmessers auf Basis von Goldkolloiden und AAO
Gitta Simon, 2010 Wachstum von heterogenen Halbleiternanodrähten
Sven Möller, 2010 Wachstum von senkrechten ZnO-Nanodrähten auf verschiedenen Glassubstraten
Alina Donat, 2010 Fortgesetztes Wachstum von ZnO Halbleiternanodrähten
Franziska Riedel, 2010 Charging phenomena on HPOG
Anne Nathanael, 2009 Synthese von Mangansulfid-Nanostrukturen
Julian Kühnel, 2009 Growth and Characterization of metallic nanoparticles on solid surfaces
Amanda McDonnell, 2009 Synthesis and Characterisation of CdS nanowires
Peer reviewed articles
Tracing the background-suppressed vibrational decay time of a molecular monolayer with time-resolved surface-enhanced broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering P. Barman, A. Chakraborty, X. Wu,D.A. Akimov, T. Meyer-Zedler, C. Ronning, M. Schmitt,J. Popp,J.S. Huang Laser & Photonics Reviews 19, 2400805 (2025)External link
Tracing the formation of femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) by implanted markers R. Wonneberger, S. Gräf, J. Bonse, W. Wisniewski, K. Freiberg, M. Hafermann, C. Ronning, F.A. Müller, A. Undisz ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 17, 2462 (2025)External link
Data‐Driven Discovery for Robust Optimization of Semiconductor Nanowire Lasers S.A. Church, F. Vitale, A. Gopakumar, N. Gagrani, Y. Zhang, N. Jiang, H.H. Tan, C. Jagadish, H. Liu, H. Joyce, C. Ronning, P. Parkinson Laser & Photonics Reviews xx, 2401194 (2024), acceptedExternal link
Optical Characterization of Size- and Substrate-Dependent Performance of Ultraviolet Hybrid Plasmonic Nanowire Lasers F. Vitale, S.A. Church, D. Repp, K.S. Sunil, M. Ziegler, M. Diegel, A. Dellith, T.H. Do, S.D. Lin, J.S. Huang, T. Pertsch, P. Parkinson, C. Ronning Advanced Optical Materials 12, 2401301 (2024)External link
Emission enhancement of erbium in a hybrid waveguide platform N. A. Güsken, M. Fu, M. Zapf, M. P. Nielsen, A. S. Clark, S. A. Maier, C. Ronning, M. L. Brongersma, R. F. Oulton SPIE Proceedings Volume 12889,1288904 (2024)External link
Electrochemical Etching of Nitrogen Ion Implanted Gallium Nitride – A Route to 3D Nanoporous Patterning M. Hoormann, F. Lüßmann, C. Margenfeld, C. Ronning, F. Meierhofer, A. Waag physica status solidi B 261, 2400067 (2024)External link
Few-cycle laser pulse characterization on-target using high-harmonic generation from nano-scale solids M. Kübel, S. Hell, A. Manna, M. Awad, B. Ying, L. Abrók, Z. Diveki, E. Cormier, B. Kiss, J. Böhmer, C. Ronning, S. Han, A. George, A. Turchanin, A. Pfeiffer Optics Express 32, 1325 (2024)External link & Optica Open 24287455External link
High temperature laser assisted synthesis of boron nanorods, nanowires and bamboo-like nanotubes M.A. Adebisi, C.D. Chen, K. Bharuth-Ram, M. Maaza, C. Ronning, E. Manikandan, D.E. Motaung, P.S. Christopher, N.S. Aliyu, M.N. Pillay, M.K. Moodley physica status solidi (a) 220, 2200464 (2023)External link
Structure-dependent optical properties of Au/Ag irradiated TiN thin films M. Popović, M. Novaković, D. Vaňa, C. Ronning, D. Jugović, V. Rajić, P. Noga Optical Materials 138, 113684 (2023)External link
Broadband Four-Wave Mixing Enhanced by Plasmonic Surface Lattice Resonance and Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in an Azimuthally Chirped Grating A. Chakraborty, P. Barman, A.K. Singh, X. Wu, D.A. Akimov, T. Meyer-Zedler, S. Nolte, C. Ronning, M. Schmitt, J. Popp, J.S. Huang Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2200958 (2023)External link & arXiv:2211.06647External link
A Combination of Ion Implantation and High-Temperature Annealing: Donor-Acceptor Pairs in Carbon-Implanted AlN L. Peters, H. Spende, S. Wolter, C. Margenfeld, C. Ronning, T. Voss, A. Waag physica status solidi (a) 220, 2200809 (2023)External link
Early oxidation stages of austenitic stainless steel monitored using Mn as tracer R. Wonneberger, G. Kirste, M. Seyring, M. Hafermann, C. Ronning, M. Schaal, F. Otto, T. Fritz, A. Undisz Corosion Science 223, 111434 (2023)External link
Laser energy absorption and X-ray generation in nanowire arrays irradiated by relativistically intense ultra-high contrast femtosecond laser pulses M.S. Blümcke, E. Eftekhari-Zadeh, Z. Samsonova, R. Loetzsch, I. Uschmann, M. Zapf, C. Ronning, O. N. Rosmej, D. Kartashov, C. Spielmann Physics of Plasmas 29, 013301 (2022) External link(editors pick)
Tuning carrier density and phase transitions in oxide semiconductors using focused ion beams H. Mei, A. Koch, C. Wan, J. Rensberg, Z. Zhang, J. Salman, M. Hafermann, M. Schaal, Y. Xiao, R. Wambold, S. Ramanathan, C. Ronning, M.A. Kats Nanophotonics 11, 3923 (2022)External link & arXiv:2202.01777External link
Wide bandgap double perovskites with multiple longitudinal optical phonon scattering L.L. Wang, W. Zheng, F. Vitale, X. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Ji, Z. Liu, O. Ghaebi, C.T. Plass, R. Domes, T. Frosch, G. Soavi, E. Wendler, Y. Zhang, C. Ronning Advanced Functional Materials 32, 2111338 (2022)External link
Tuning nanowire lasers via hybridization with two-dimensional materials E. Eobald, F. Vitale, M. Zapf, M. Lapteva, T. Hamzayev, C. Neumann, Z. Gan, E. Najafidehaghani, A. George, A. Turchanin, G. Soavi, C. Ronning Nanoscale 14, 6822 (2022)External link & arXiv:2205.13379External link
Nonlinear optical signal generation mediated by a plasmonic azimuthally chirped grating P. Barman, A. Chakraborty, D. Akimov, A. Kumar Singh, T. Meyer-Zedler, X. Wu, C. Ronning, M. Schmitt, J. Popp, J.S. Huang Nano Letters 22, 9914 (2022)External link & arXiv:2208.11463External link
Polarization dependent excitation and high harmonic generation from intense mid-IR laser pulses in ZnO R. Hollinger, P. Herrmann, V. Korolev, M. Zapf, V. Shumakova, R. Röder, I. Uschmann, A. Pugzlys, A. Baltuska, M. Zürch, C. Ronning, C. Spielmann, D. Kartashov Nanomaterials 11, 4 (2021)External link
Insights into interface and bulk defects in a high efficiency kesterite-based device R. Fonoll-Rubio, J. Andrade-Arvizu, J. Blanco Portals, I. Becerril, M. Guc, E. Saucedo, F. Peiro, L. Calvo-Barrio, M. Ritzer, C.S. Schnohr, M. Placidi, S. Estrade, V. Izquierdo-Roca, A. Perez-Rodriguez Energy & Enviromental Science 14, 507 (2021)External link
Luminescence of ZnO nanocrystals in silica synthesized by dual (Zn,O) implantation and thermal annealing I. Parkhomenko, L. Vlasukova, F. Komarov, M. Makhavikov, O. Milchanin, E. Wendler, M. Zapf, C. Ronning Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54, 265104 (2021)External link
The role of free carrier interaction in strong field excitations in semiconductors R. Hollinger, E. Haddad, M. Zapf, V. Shumakova, P. Herrmann, R. Röder, I. Uschmann, U. Reislöhner, A. Pugžlys, A. Baltuška, F. Légaré, M. Zürch, C. Ronning, C. Spielmann, D. Kartashov Physical Review B 104, 035203 (2021)External link
The disappearance and return of nanoparticles upon low energy ion irradiation S. Choupanian, A. Nagel, W. Möller, C. Pacholski, C. Ronning Nanotechnology 33, 035703 (2021)External link
Tuning Exciton Recombination Rates in Doped Transition Metal Dichalcogenides T. Kuechle, S. Klimmer, M. Lapteva, T. Hamzayev, A. George, A. Turchanin, T.Fritz, C. Ronning, M. Gruenewald, G. Soavi Optical Materials: X 12, 100097 (2021)External link
Photoluminescence of ZnO/ZnMgO Heterostructure Nanobelts grown by MBE O. Kennedy, M. Zapf, J.N. Audinot, S. Pal, S. Eswara, T. Wirtz, C. Ronning, P. Warburton Nanotechnology 31, 135604 (2020)External link
Determination of the full deformation tensor by multi-Bragg fast scanning nano X-ray diffraction A. Johannes, J. Rensberg, T. Grünewald, P. Schöppe, M. Ritzer, M. Rosenthal, C. Ronning, M. Burghammer Journal of Applied Crystallography 53, 99 (2020)External link
Evaluation of carrier density and mobility in Mn ion-implanted GaAs:Zn nanowires by Raman spectroscopy S. Kumar, G. Correa, C. Devi, A. Johannes, C. Ronning, W. Paraguassu, W. Paschoal, H. Pettersson, D. Jacobsson Nanotechnology 31, 205705 (2020)External link
Conversionless Efficient and Broadband Laser Light Diffusers for High Brightness Illumination Applications F. Schuett, M. Zapf, S. Signetti, J. Strobel, H. Krüger, R. Roeder, J. Carstensen, N. Wolff, J. Marx, T. Carey, M. Schweichelt, M. Terasa, L. Siebert, H. Hong, S. Kaps, B. Fiedler, Y. Mishra, Z. Lee, N. Pugno, L. Kienle, A. Ferrari, F. Torrisi, C. Ronning, R. Adelung Nature Communications 11, 1437 (2020)External link
Grayscale Nanopatterning of Phase-Change Materials for Subwavelength-Scaled, Inherently Planar, Nonvolatile, and Reconfigurable Optical Devices M. Hafermann, M. Zapf, M. Ritzer, A. Printschler, Y. Luo, A. Ambrosio, W. Wilson, C. Ronning ACS Applied Nano Materials 3, 4486 (2020)External link
Thermal Annealing of Ag Implanted Silicon: Relationship between Structural and Optical Properties A. Modrić-Šahbazović, M. Novaković, E. Schmidt, N. Bibić, I. Gazdić, C. Ronning, Z. Rakočević Science of Sintering 52, 2 (2020)External link
Microwave AC resonance induced phase change in Sb2Te3 nanowires P.K. Tse, F. Tian, L. Mugica-Sanchez, O. Rüger, A. Undisz, G. Moethrath, C. Ronning, S. Takahashi, J.G. Lu Nano Letters 20, 8668 (2020)External link
On the Germanium Incorporation in Cu2ZnSnSe4 Kesterite Solar Cells Boosting their Efficiency M. Ritzer, S. Schönherr, P. Schöppe, W. Wisniewski, S. Giraldo, G. Gurieva, A. Johannes, C.T. Plass, K. Ritter, G. Martínez-Criado, S. Schorr, E. Saucedo, C. Ronning, C.S. Schnohr ACS Applied Energy Materials 3, 558 (2020)External link
Revealing the Origin of the Beneficial Effect of Cesium in Highly Efficient Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells P. Schöppe, S. Schönherr, M. Chugh, H. Mirhosseini, P. Jackson, R. Wuerz, M. Ritzer, A. Johannes, G. Martínez-Criado, W. Wisniewski, T. Schwarz, C.T. Plass, M. Hafermann, T.D. Kühne, C.S. Schnohr, C. Ronning Nano Energy 71, 104622 (2020)External link
Interplay of performance‐limiting nanoscale features in CZTSSe solar cells M. Ritzer, S. Schönherr, P. Schöppe, G. Larramona, C. Choné, G. Gurieva, A. Johannes, K. Ritter, G. Martínez-Criado, S. Schorr, C. Ronning, C.S. Schnohr physica status solidi (a) 217, 2000456 (2020)External link
In-operando Nanoscale X-ray Analysis revealing the local electrical properties of Rubidium enriched Grain Boundaries in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells C.T. Plass, M. Ritzer, P. Schöppe, S. Schönherr, M. Zapf, M. Hafermann, A. Johannes, G. Martinez-Criado, J. Segura Ruiz, R. Wuerz, P. Jackson, C.S. Schnohr, C. Ronning ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 57117 (2020)External link
Silicon nanostructuring by Ag ions implantation through nanosphere lithography mask A. Modrić-Šahbazović, M. Novaković, E. Schmidt, I. Gazdić, V. Đokić, D. Peruško, N. Bibić, C. Ronning, Z. Rakočević Optical Materials 88, 508 (2019)External link
Improving Gas Sensing by CdTe Decoration of Individual Aerographite Microtubes J. Strobel, L. Ghimpu, V. Postica, O. Lupan, M. Zapf, S. Schönherr, R. Röder, C. Ronning, F. Schütt, Y. Mishra, I. Tiginyanu, R. Adelung, J. Marx, B. Fiedler, L. Kienle Nanotechnology 30, 065501 (2019)External link
Transition metal and rare earth element doped zinc oxide nanowires for optoelectronics R. Röder, M. Zapf, S. Geburt, D. Franke, M. Lorke, A. da Rosa, T. Frauenheim, C. Ronning physica status solidi (b) 256, 1800604 (2019)External link
On the Optical Properties of Thin‐Film Vanadium Dioxide from the Visible to the Far Infrared Wan, Z. Zhang, D. Woolf, C.M. Hessel, J. Rensberg, J.M. Hensley, Y. Xiao, A. Shahsafi, J. Salman, S. Richter, Y. Sun, M.M.Qazilbash, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Ronning, S. Ramanathan, M.A. Kats Annalen der Physik 531, 1900188 (2019)External link & arXiv 1901.02517 (2019)External link
Controlling the p-type conductivity of SnO by doping with nitrogen and hydrogen M. Becker, R. Harmann, D. Hartung, C. Voget-Grote, S. Graubner, P. Hoffmann, C. Ronning, A Polity, P.J. Klar Journal of Applied Physics 125, 085703 (2019) External link
Culturing and patch clamping of Jurkat T cells and neurons on Al2O3 coated nanowire arrays of altered morphology J. Haberts, A. Koitmae, R. Zierold, C. Fendler, I. Fernandez-Cuesta, G. Loers, B.-P. Diercks, R. Fliegert, A.H. Guse, C. Ronning, M.-T. Perez, C. Prinz, G. Otnes, M. Borgstrom, H. Linke, R.H. Blick RSC Advances 9, 11194 (2019)External link
Raman characterization of single-crystalline Ga0.96Mn0.04As:Zn nanowires realized by ion-implantation G. Correa Jr., S. Kumar, W. Paschoal Jr., C. Devi, D. Jacobsson, A. Johannes, C. Ronning, H. Pettersson, W. Paraguassu Nanotechnology 30, 335202 (2019)External link
Strong light-field driven nanolasers R. Hollinger, P. Malevich, V. Shumakova, S. Alisauskas, M. Zapf, R. Röder, A. Pugžlys, A. Baltuska, C. Ronning, C. Spielmann, D. Kartashov Nano Letters 19, 3563 (2019)External link
Comprehensive porosity determination of combustion-deposited SiOx thin films and correlation with FTIR signal B.S.M. Kretzschmar, E. Wendler, A. Heft, R. Köcher, C. Voigt, C. Ronning, B. Grünler, E. Rädlein Surface Coatings and Technology 375, 256 (2019)External link
Formation of Ag nanoparticles in Si(100) wafers by single and multiple low energy Ag ion implantation Modrić-Šahbazović, M. Novaković, M. Popović, E. Schmidt, I. Gazdić, N. Bibić, C. Ronning, Z. Rakočević Surface Coatings and Technology 377, 124913 (2019)External link
Short-range versus long-range structure in Cu(In,Ga)Se2, Cu(In,Ga)3Se5, and Cu(In,Ga)5Se8 E. Haubold, P. Schöppe, S. Eckner, S. Lehman, I. Colantoni, F. d'Acapito, F. de Benedetto, S. Schorr, C.S. Schnohr Journal of Alloys and Componds 774, 803 (2019)External link
Bond-stretching force constants and vibrational frequencies in ternary zinc-blende alloys: A systematic comparison of (In,Ga)P, (In,Ga)As and Zn(Se,Te) S. Eckner, A. Johannes, M. Gnauck, H. Kämmer, T. Steinbach, S. Schönherr, R. Chernikov, E. Welter, M.C. Ridgway, C. S. Schnohr Europhysics Letters 126, 36002 (2019)External link
Flat optical and plasmonic devices using area-selective ion-beam doping of silicon J. Salman, M. Hafermann, J. Rensberg, C. Wan, R. Wambold, B.S. Gundlach, C. Ronning, M.A. Kats Advanced Optical Materials 6, 1701027 (2018)External link
Enhancement of the Sub-Band-Gap Photoconductivity in ZnO Nanowires through Surface Functionalization with Carbon Nanodots D. Cammi, K. Zimmermann, R. Gorny, A. Vogt, F. Dissinger, A. Gad, N. Markiewcz, A. Waag, J.D. Prades, C. Ronning, S. Waldvogel, T. Voss Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 1852 (2018)External link
Dynamics of nanoparticle morphology under low energy ion irradiation H. Holland-Moritz, J. Graupner, W. Moeller, C. Pacholski, C. Ronning Nanotechnology 29, 314002 (2018)External link
Hard X-ray generation from ZnO nanowire targets non-relativistic regime of laser-solid interaction Z. Samsonova, S. Höfer, T. Kämpfer, I. Uschmann, R. Röder, L. Trefflich, O. Rosmej, E. Förster, C. Ronning, D. Kartashov, C. Spielmann Applied Sciences 8, 1728 (2018)External link
Metasurfaces enabled by locally tailoring disorder in phase-change materials M. Hafermann, P. Schöppe, J. Rensberg, C. Ronning ACS Photonics 5, 5103 (2018)External link
Reversible correlation between subnanoscale structure and Cu content in co-evaporated Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films C.S. Schnohr, S. Eckner P. Schöppe, E. Haubold, F. d'Acapito, D. Greiner, C.A. Kaufmann Acta Materialia 153, 8 (2018)External link
Bond-strength inversion in (In,Ga)As semiconductor alloys S. Eckner, K. Ritter, P. Schöppe, E. Haubold, E. Eckner, J. Rensberg, R. Röder, M.C. Ridgway, and C.S. Schnohr Physical Review B 97, 195202 (2018)External link
Overall Distribution of Rubidium in Highly Efficient Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells P. Schöppe, S. Schönherr, P. Jackson, R. Wuerz, W. Wisniewski, M. Ritzer, M. Zapf, A. Johannes, C. Schnohr, C. Ronning ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 40592 (2018)External link
Sputtering and redeposition of ion irradiated Au nanoparticle arrays: direct comparison of simulations to experiments H. Holland-Moritz, A. Ilinov, F. Djurabekova, K. Nordlund, C. Ronning New Journal of Physics 19, 013023 (2017)External link
Influence of Silver Film Quality on the Threshold of Plasmonic Nanowire Lasers H. Yu, T.P.H. Sidiropoulos, W. Liu, C. Ronning, P.K. Petrov, S.H. Oh, S.A. Maier, P. Jin, R.F. Oulton Advanced Optical Materials 5, 1600856 (2017)External link
Evolution of metallicity in vanadium dioxide by creation of oxygen vacancies Z. Zhang, F. Zuo, C. Wan, A. Dutta, J. Kim, J. Rensberg, R. Nawrodt, H.H. Park, T. Larrabee, X. Guan, Y. Zhou, S.M. Prokes, C. Ronning, V.M. Shalaev, A. Boltasseva, M.A. Kats, S. Ramanathan Physical Review Applied 7, 034008 (2017)External link
Excitation energy dependent ultrafast luminescence behavior of CdS nanostructures C. Karras,R. Röder, W. Paa, C. Ronning, H. Stafast ACS Photonics 4, 1067 (2017)External link
Epsilon-near-zero substrate engineering for ultrathin-film perfect absorbers J. Rensberg, Y. Zhou, S. Richter, R. Schmidt-Grund, S. Ramanathan, F. Capasso, M.A. Kats, C. Ronning Physical Review Applied 8, 014009 (2017)External link
Low-loss and tunable near-zero-epsilon titanium nitride M. Popović, M. Novaković, E. Schmidt, P. Schöppe, N. Bibić, C. Ronning, Z. Rakočević Optical Materials 72, 775 (2017)External link
Clustering of gold particles in Au implanted CrN thin films: The effect on the SPR peak position M. Novaković, M. Popović, E. Schmidt, M. Mitrić, N. Bibić, Z. Rakočević, C. Ronning Applied Surface Science 426, 667 (2017)External link
Evolution of structural and optical properties of Ag implanted CrN thin films with annealing temperature M. Novaković, M. Popović, E. Schmidt, P. Schöppe, M. Mitrić, N. Bibić, C. Ronning, Z. Rakočević Journal of Alloys and Compounds 719, 671 (2017)External link
Dynamical Tuning of Nanowire Lasing Spectra M. Zapf, R. Röder, K. Winkler, L. Kaden, J. Greil, M. Wille, M. Grundmann, R. Schmidt-Grund, A. Lugstein, C. Ronning Nano Letters 17, 6637 (2017)External link
Enhanced absorption and cavity effects of three-photon pumped ZnO nanowires R. Hollinger, Z. Samsonova, D. Gupta, D. Kartashov, C. Spielmann, R. Röder, L. Trefflich, C. Ronning Applied Physics Letters 111, 213016 (2017)External link
In operando x-ray imaging of nanoscale devices: Composition, valence, and internal electrical fields A. Johannes, D. Salomon, G. Martinez-Criado, M. Glaser, A. Lugstein, C. Ronning Science Advances 3, eaao4044 (2017)External link
Discrepancy between integral and local composition in off-stoichiometric Cu2ZnSnSe4 kesterites: A pitfall for classification P. Schöppe, G. Gurieva, S. Giraldo, G. Martínez-Criado, C. Ronning, E. Saucedo, S. Schorr, C.S. Schnohr Applied Physics Letters 110, 043901 (2017)External link
Rubidium segregation at random grain boundaries in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorbers P. Schöppe, S. Schönherr, R. Würz, W. Wisniewskic, G. Martínez-Criado, M. Ritzer, K. Ritter, C. Ronning, C.S. Schnohr Nano Energy 42, 307 (2017)External link
Sensitivity of 57Fe Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy to Ar and C induced defects in ZnO K. Bharuth-Ram, T.E. Mølholt, G. Langouche, S. Geburt, T. B. Doyle, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, K. Johnston, R. Mantovan, H. Masenda, D. Naidoo, M. Ncube, H. Gislason, S. Ólafsson, C. Ronning, G. Weyer Hyperfine Interactions 237, 81 (2016)External link
Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy study of fluence dependence of paramagnetic relaxation in Mn/Fe implanted ZnO H. Masenda, S. Geburt, K. Bharuth-Ram, D. Naidoo, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, K. Johnston, R. Mantovan, T. E. Mølholt, M. Ncube, S. Shayestehaminzadeh, H. P. Gislason, G. Langouche, S. Ólafsson, C. Ronning Hyperfine Interactions 237, 40 (2016)External link
FAST/SPS sintering of nanocrystalline zinc oxide - Part I: Enhanced densification and formation of hydrogen-related defects in presence of adsorbed water B. Dargatz, J. Gonzalez-Julian, M. Bram, P. Jakes, A. Besmehn, L. Schade, R. Röder, C. Ronning, O. Guillon Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36, 1207 (2016)External link
Observation of dielectrically confined excitons in ultrathin GaN nanowires up to room temperature J. Zettler, P. Corfdir, C. Hauswald, E. Luna, U. Jahn, T. Flissikowski, E. Schmidt, C. Ronning, A. Trampert, L. Geelhaar, H. Grahn, O. Brandt, S. Fernandez-Garrido Nano Letters 16, 973 (2016)External link
Active optical metasurfaces based on defect-engineered phase-transition materials J. Rensberg, S. Zhang, Y. Zhou, A.S. McLeod, C. Schwarz, M. Goldflam, M. Liu, J. Kerbusch, R. Nawrodt, S. Ramanathan, D. N. Basov, F. Capasso, C. Ronning, M. Kats Nano Letters 16, 1050 (2016)External link
Non-resonant Raman Spectroscopy of Individual ZnO Nanowires via Au Nanorod Surface Plasmons A. Pescaglini, E. Secco, A. Martin, D. Cammi, C. Ronning, A. Cantarero, N. Garro, D. Iacopino Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4, 1651 (2016)External link
Shape manipulation of ion irradiated Ag nanoparticles embedded in lithium niobate S. Wolf, J. Rensberg, A. Johannes, R. Thomae, F. Smit, R. Neveling, M. Moodley, T. Bierschenk, M. Rodriguez, B. Afra, S. Bin Hasan, C. Rockstuhl, M. Ridgway, K. Bharuth-Ram, C. Ronning Nanotechnology 27, 145202 (2016)External link
Shaping and compositional modification of zinc oxide nanowires under energetic manganese ion irradiation W. Moeller, A. Johannes, C. Ronning Nanotechnology 27, 175301 (2016)External link
Carrier density driven lasing dynamics in ZnO nanowires M. Wille, C. Sturm, T. Michalsky, R. Röder, C. Ronning, R. Schmidt-Grund, M. Grundmann Nanotechnology 27, 225702 (2016)External link
Mode switching and filtering in nanowire lasers R. Röder, T.P.H. Sidiropoulos, R. Buschlinger, M. Riediger, U. Peschel, R.F. Oulton, C. Ronning Nano Letters 16, 2878 (2016)External link
Synthesis, morphological and electro-optical characterizations of metal/semiconductor nanowire heterostructures M. Glaser, A. Kitzler, A. Johannes, S. Prucnal, H. Potts, S. Conesa-Boj, L. Filipovic, H. Kosina, W. Skorupa, E. Bertagnolli, C. Ronning, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, A. Lugstein Nano Letters 16, 3507 (2016)External link
Compositional and electrical properties of linear and planar defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films for solar cells - a review D. Abou-Ras, S.S. Schmidt, N. Schäfer, J. Kavalakkatt, T. Rissom, T. Unold, T. Kirchartz, E. Simsek Sanli, P.A. van Aken, Q.M. Ramasse, H.J. Kleebe, D. Azulay, I. Balberg, O. Millo, O. Cojocaru-Mirédin, D. Barragan-Yani, K. Albe, J. Haarstrich, C. Ronning Physica Status Solidi (RRL) 10, 363 (2016)External link
Grain-boundary character distribution and correlations with electrical and optoelectronic properties of CuInSe2 thin films D. Abou-Ras, N. Schäfer, T. Rissom, M.N. Kelly, J. Haarstrich, C. Ronning, G.S. Rohrer, A.D. Rollett Acta Materialia 118, 244 (2016)External link
Stoichiometry varation for the atomic layer deposition of SRxTiyOz from Sr(iPr3Cp)2, Ti[N(Ch3)2]4 and H2O Rentrop, S. Abendroth, J. Walter, J. Rensberg, W. Münchgesang, R. Strohmeyer, H. Stöcker, C. Ronning, S. Gemming, D.C. Meyer Thin Solid Films 577, 134 (2015)External link
Nature of AX Centers in Antimony Doped Cadmium Telluride Nanobelts Huang, C.-C. Lin, M. Riediger, R. Röder, P. L. Tse, C. Ronning, G. Lu Nano Letters 15, 974 (2015)External link
Corrigendum: Enhanced sputtering and incorporation of Mn in implanted GaAs and ZnO nanowires A. Johannes, S. Noack, W. Paschoal Jr, S. Kumar, D. Jacobsson, H. Pettersson, L. Samuelson, K. A. Dick, G. Martinez-Criado, M. Burghammer J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48, 079501 (2015)External link
Anomalous plastic deformation and sputtering of ion irradiated silicon nanowires A. Johannes, S. Noack, W. Wesch, A. Lugstein, M. Glaser, C. Ronning Nano Letters 15, 3800 (2015)External link
Ultrafast dynamics of lasing semiconductor nanowires R. Röder, T.P.H. Sidiropoulos, C. Tessarek, S. Christiansen, R.F. Oulton, C. Ronning Nano Letters 15, 4638 (2015)External link
Improved Ga grading of sequentially produced Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells studied by high resolution X-ray fluorescene P. Schöppe, C.S. Schnohr, M. Oertel, A. Kusch, A. Johannes, S. Eckner, M. Burghammer, G. Martínez-Criado, U. Reislöhner, C. Ronning Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 013909 (2015)External link
Composition-dependent nanostructure of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 powders and thin films C. S. Schnohr, H. Kämmer, T. Steinbach, M. Gnauck, T. Rissom, C. A. Kaufmann, C. Stephan, S. Schorr Thin Solid Films 582, 356 (2015)External link
Enhanced sputter yields of ion irradiated Au nano particles: energy and size dependence Holland-Moritz, S. Scheeler, C. Stanglmair, C. Pacholski, C. Ronning Nanotechnology 26, 325301 (2015)External link
Phonon-assisted lasing in ZnO microwires at room temperature T. Michalsky, M. Wille, C. P. Dietrich, R. Röder, C. Ronning, R. Schmidt-Grund, M. Grundmann Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 211106 (2014)External link
Amphoteric Nature of Sn in CdS Nanowires M. Zhang, M. Wille, R. Röder, S. Heedt, L. Huang, Z. Zhu, S, Geburt, D. Grützmacher, T. Schaepers, C. Ronning, J.G. Lu Nano Letters 14, 518 (2014)External link
Utilizing dynamic annealing during ion implantation: synthesis of silver nanoparticles in crystalline lithium niobate S. Wolf, J. Rensberg, H. Stöcker, B. Abendroth, W. Wesch, C. Ronning Nanotechnology 25, 135611 (2014)External link
Magnetoresistance in Mn ion-implanted GaAs:Zn nanowires W. Paschoal Jr, S. Kumar, D. Jacobsson, A. Johannes, V. Jain, C. M. Canali, A. Pertsova, C. Ronning, K. A. Dick, L. Samuelson, H. Pettersson Applied Physics Letters 104, 153112 (2014)External link
Single step integration of ZnO nano- and microneedles in Si trenches by novel flame transport approach: Whispering gallery modes and photocatalytic properties T. Reimer, I. Paulowicz, R. Röder, S. Kaps, O. Lupan, S. Chemnitz, W. Benecke, C. Ronning, R. Adelung, Y. K. Mishra ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6, 7806 (2014)External link
Enhanced sputtering and incorporation of Mn in implanted GaAs and ZnO nanowires A. Johannes, S. Noack, W. Paschoal, S. Kumar, D. Jacobsson, K. Dick, H. Pettersson, L. Samuelson, G. Martines-Criado, M. Burghammer, C. Ronning Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47, 394003 (2014)External link
IntenseIntrashell Luminescence of Eu-Doped Single ZnO Nanowires at Room Temperature by Implantation Created Eu-Oi Complexes S. Geburt, M. Lorke, A. L. da Rosa, T. Frauenheim, R. Röder, T. Voss, U. Kaiser, W. Heimbrodt, C. Ronning Nano Letters 14, 4523 (2014)External link
Structural properties of zinc oxide deposited using atmospheric pressure combustion chemical vapour deposition I. Zunke, S. Wolf, A. Heft, S. Schimanski, B. Grünler, C. Ronning, P. Seidel Thin Solid Films 565, 45 (2014)External link
Improving the optical properties of self-catalyzed GaN microrods towards whispering gallery mode lasing C. Tessarek, R. Röder, T. Michalsky, S. Geburt, H. Franke, R. Schmidt-Grund, M. Heilmann, B. Hoffmann, C. Ronning, M. Grundmann, S. Christiansen ACS Photonics 1, 990 (2014)External link
Ultrafast plasmonic nanowire lasers near the surface plasmon frequency T.P.H. Sidiropoulos, R. Röder, S. Geburt, O. Hess, S.A. Maier, C. Ronning, R.F. Oulton Nature Physics 10, 870 (2014)External link
Electron-Beam-Induced Current at Absorber Back Surfaces of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin-Film Solar Cells J. Kavalakkatt, D. Abou-Ras, J. Haarstrich, C. Ronning, M. Nichterwitz, R. Caballero, T. Rissom, T. Unold, R. Scheer, H.W. Schock Journal of Applied Physics 115, 014504 (2014)External link
Local versus global electronic properties of chalcopyrite alloys: X-ray absorption spectroscopy and ab initio calculations R. Sarmiento-Pérez, S. Botti, C. S. Schnohr, I. Lauermann, A. Rubio, B. Johnson Journal of Applied Physics 116, 093703 (2014)External link
Nanotechnology enhanced solar cells prepared on laser-crystallized polycrystalline thin films (<10 µm) G. Jia, G. Andrä, A. Gawlik, S. Schönherr, J. Plentz, B. Eisenhawer, T. Pliewischkies, A. Dellith, F. Falk Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 126, 62 (2014)External link
Silicon Nanowire Solar Cells With Radial p-n Heterojunction on Crystalline Silicon Thin Films: Light Trapping Properties G. Jia, A. Gawlik, J. Bergmann, B. Eisenhawer, S. Schonherr, G. Andra, F. Falk IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 4, 28 (2014)External link
Hot-Electron Injection in Au Nanorod-ZnO Nanowire Hybrid Device for Near-Infrared Photodetection A. Pescaglini, A. Martín, D. Cammi, G. Juska, C. Ronning, E. Pelucchi, D. Iacopino Nano Letters 14, 6202 (2014)External link
A General Approach toward Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Silicon Nanowires Molnar, A. Lugstein, P. Pongratz, M. Seyring, M. Rettenmayr, C. Borschel, C. Ronning, N. Auner, C. Bauch, E. Bertagnolli Nano Letters 13, 21 (2013)External link
DNA hybridization assay at individual, biofunctionalized zinc oxide nanowires Leiterer, B. Seise, I. Slowik, G. Brönstrup, R. Niepelt, K. Weber, C. Ronning, S. Christiansen, W. Fritzsche Journal of Biophotonics 6, 143 (2013)External link
Luminescent Ordered Arrays of Nanoporous Silicon Nanopillars and Silicon Nanopillars with Nanoporous Shells Wang, S. Schönherr, S. Du, C. Ronning, and P. Schaaf Materials Letters 98, 186 (2013)External link
The Physics of Copper Oxide (Cu2O) K. Meyer, A. Polity, D. Reppin, M. Becker, P. Hering, B. Kramm, P.J. Klar, T. Sander, C. Reindl, C. Heiliger, M. Heinemann, C. Müller, C. Ronning in Oxide SemiconductorsExternal link (Stephen J. Pearton, Bengt G. Svensson, Chennupati Jagadish, Editors), Academic Press, Vol 88 (2013) 201 Semiconductors and Semimetals 88, 201 (2013)External link
Intense intra-3d-luminescence and waveguiding properties of Co-doped ZnO nanowires Geburt, R. Röder, U. Kaiser, L. Chen, M.H. Chu, J. Segura-Ruiz, G. Martínez-Criado, W. Heimbrodt, C. Ronning physica status solidi RRL 7, 886 (2013)External link
Controlled synthesis of ultrathin ZnO nanowires using micellar gold nanoparticles as catalyst templates Yin, Q. Wang, S. Geburt, S. Milz, B. Ruttens, G. Degutis, J. D'Haen, L. Shan, S. Punniyakoti, M. D'Olieslaeger, P. Wagner, C. Ronning and H.-G. Boyen Nanoscale 5, 7046 (2013)External link
Continuous wave nanowire lasing Röder, M. Wille, S. Geburt, J. Rensberg, M. Zhang, J.G. Lu, F. Capasso, R. Buschlinger, U. Peschel, C. Ronning Nano Letters 13, 3602 (2013)External link
Magnetic polarons and large negative magnetoresistance in GaAs nanowires implanted with Mn ions Kumar, W. Paschoal Jr., A. Johannes, D. Jacobsson, C. Borschel, A. Pertsova, W.H. Wang, M.K. Wu, C Canali, C. Ronning, L. Samuelson, H. Pettersson Nano Letters 13, 5079External link (2013)
Buffer-free Cu(In,Ga)Se2-solar cells by near-surface ion implantation J. Haarstrich, M. Teichmann, H. Metzner, M.Gnauck, C. Ronning, W. Wesch, T. Rissom, C.A. Kaufmann, H.W. Schock, V. Scheumann, W. Mannstadt Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 116, 43 (2013)External link
Atomic-scale structure, cation distribution, and bandgap bowing in Cu(In,Ga)S2 and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 S. Eckner, H. Kammer, T. Steinbach, M. Gnauck, A. Johannes, C. Stephan, S. Schorr, C.S. Schnohr Applied Physics Letters 103, 081905 (2013)External link
Quantification of impurity concentration in Cu2O and CuO via secondary ion mass spectrometry Laufer, D. Reppin, H. Metelmann, S. Geburt, C. Ronning, T. Leichtweiss, J. Janek, B.K. Meyer physica status solidi B 249, 801 (2012)External link
Hexagonal boron nitride nanowalls: physical vapour deposition, 2D/3D morphology, and spectroscopic analysis BenMoussa, J. D'Haen, C. Borschel, J. Barjon, A. Soltani, V. Mortet, C. Ronning, M. D'Olieslaeger, H.-G. Boyen, and K. Haenen Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45, 135302 (2012)External link
Direct Determination of Minority Carrier Diffusion Lengths at Axial GaAs Nanowire p-n Junctions Gutsche, R. Niepelt, M. Gnauck, A. Lysov, W. Prost, C. Ronning, and F.J. Tegude Nano Letters 12, 1453 (2012)External link
Binary Copper oxide semiconductors: from materials towards devices K. Meyer, A. Polity, D. Reppin, M. Becker, P. Hering, P.J. Klar, Th. Sander, C. Reindl, J. Benz, M. Eickhoff, C. Heiliger, M. Heinemann, J. Bläsing, A. Krost, S. Shokovets, C. Müller, C. Ronning physica status solidi B 249, 1487 (2012)External link
Low threshold room temperature lasing of single CdS nanowires Geburt, R. Röder, A. Thiemann, C. Borschel, M. Kozlik, A. McDonnell, K.A. Sunter, F. Capasso, C. Ronning Nanotechnology 23, 365204 (2012)External link
Hopping conduction in Mn ion-implanted GaAs nanowires Paschoal Jr., S. Kumar, C. Borschel, P. Wu, C.M. Canali, C. Ronning, L. Samuelson, and H. Pettersson Nano Letters 12, 4838 (2012)External link
Protein adsorption on nano-scaled, rippled TiO2 and Si surfaces Sommerfeld, J. Richter, S. Kosan, R. Niepelt, S. Milz, T. Keller, K.D. Jandt, C. Ronning Biointerphases 7, 55 (2012)External link
Thermoelectric Characterization of Electronic Properties of GaMnAs Nanowires Wu, W. Paschoal Jr., S. Kumar, C. Borschel, C. Ronning, C.M. Canali, L. Samuelson, H. Pettersson, H. Linke Journal of Nanotechnology 2012, 480813 (2012)External link
Luminescence properties of Ga-graded Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films J. Haarstrich, H. Metzner, C. Ronning, A. Undisz, C.A. Kaufmann, T. Rissom, H.W. Schock Thin Solid Films 520, 3657 (2012)External link
Composition and texture of barium silicate crystals in fresnoite glass-ceramics by various scanning electron microscopic techniques Nagel, W. Wisniewski, G. Völksch, C. Borschel, C. Ronning, C. Rüssel CrysEngComm 13, 3383 (2011)External link
Permanent bending and alignment of ZnO nanowires Borschel, S. Spindler, D. Lerose, A. Bochmann, S.H. Christiansen, S. Nietzsche, M. Oertel and C. Ronning Nanotechnology 22, 185307 (2011)External link
Synchrotron flourescence nanoimaging of a single Co-implanted ZnO nanowires H. Chu, J. Segura-Ruiz, G. Martinez-Criado, P. Cloetens, I Snigireva, S. Geburt, C. Ronning physica status solidi RRL 5, 283 (2011)External link
Biofunctionalization of zinc oxide nanowires for DNA sensory applications Niepelt, U.C. Schröder, J. Sommerfeld, I. Slowik, B. Rudolph, R. Möller, B. Seise, A. Csaki, W. Fritzsche, C. Ronning Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 511 (2011)External link
A new route toward semiconductor nanospintronics: highly Mn-doped GaAs nanowires realized by ion-implantation under dynamic annealing conditions Borschel, M.E. Messing, M. T. Borgstrom, W. Paschoal Jr, J. Wallentin, S. Kumar, K. Mergenthaler, K. Deppert, C. M. Canali, H. Pettersson, L. Samuelson, and C. Ronning Nano Letters 11, 3935 (2011)External link
Strong Molecular Fluorescence inside a Nanoscale Waveguide Gap Sorger, O. Pholchai, E. Cubukcu, R. Oulton, P. Kolchin, C. Borschel, M. Gnauck, C. Ronning, X. Zhang Nano Letters 11, 4907 (2011)External link
Nano-X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Single Co Implanted ZnO Nanowires Segura-Ruiz, G. Martínez-Criado, M.H. Chu, S. Geburt, C. Ronning Nano Letters 11, 5322 (2011)External link
Determination of secondary ion mass spectrometry relative sensitivity factors for polar and non-polar ZnO Laufer, N. Volbers, S. Eisermann, K. Potzger, S. Geburt, C. Ronning, B.K. Meyer Journal of Applied physics 110, 094906 (2011)External link
Increased homogeneity and open-circuit voltage of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells due to higher deposition temperature J. Haarstrich, H. Metzner, M. Oertel, C. Ronning, T. Rissom, C.A. Kaufmann, T. Unhold, H.W. Schock, J. Windeln, W. Mannstadt, and E. Rudigier-Voigt Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95, 1028 (2011)External link
Near-interface doping by ion implantation in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells J. Haarstrich, H. Metzner, C. Ronning, T. Rissom, C.A. Kaufmann, H.W. Schock, W. Mannstadt, E. Rudigier-Voigt, and V. Scheumann Thin Solid Films 519, 7276 (2011)External link
Stable enhancement of near-band-edge emission of ZnO nanowires by hydrogen incorporation Dev, R. Niepelt, J.P. Richters, C. Ronning, T. Voss Nanotechnology 21, 065709 (2010)External link
Bimodal range distributions of low-energy carbon ions in tetrahedral amorphous carbon Neumaier, A. Bergmaier, W. Eckstein, R. Fischer, H. Hofsäss, H.U. Jäger, H. Kröger, C. Ronning, G. Dollinger EPL - Europhysics Letters 90, 46002 (2010)External link
High quality junctions by interpenetration of vapor liquid solid grown nanostructures for microchip integration Jebril, H. Kuhlmann, S. Müller, C. Ronning, L. Kienle, R. Adelung Crystal Growth and Design 10, 2842 (2010)External link
Annealing effects and generation of secondary phases in ZnO after high dose transition metal implantation Geurts, M. Schumm, M. Koerdel, C. Ziereis, S. Müller, C. Ronning, E. Dynowska, Z. Golacki, W. Szuszkiewicz physica status solidi b 247, 1469 (2010)External link
Tailoring the properties of semiconductor nanowires using ion beams Ronning, C. Borschel, R. Niepelt, S. Geburt, S. Müller, D. Stichtenoth, J.P. Richters, A. Dev, T. Voss, L. Chen, W. Heimbrodt, C. Gutsche, W. Prost physica status solidi b 247External link, 2329 (2010)External link
Optical and magnetic properties of quasi one-dimensional dilute magnetic ZnMnS and antiferromagnetic MnS Chen, W. Heimbrodt, P.J. Klar, M. Fröba, C. Ronning, H.A. Krug von Nidda physica status solidi b 247, 2522 (2010)External link
Self-organized nanostructuring of composite coatings at high temperatures for drag reduction and self-cleaning P. Schaaf, S. Günschmann, M. Hopfeld, J. Wilden, V. Drescher, C. Borschel, C. Ronning Surface Coatings and Technology 205, 1584 (2010)External link
Influence of metallic coatings on the photoluminescence properties of ZnO nanowires P. Richters, A. Dev, S. Müller, C. Ronning, R. Niepelt, C. Borschel, T. Voss physica status solidi RRL 3, 166 (2009)External link
Effect of thermal annealing and secondary phase segregation in heavily TM implanted ZnO Koerdel , M. Schumm , S. Müller , C. Ronning , Z. Golacki , W. Szuszkiewicz , J. Geurts Journal of Applied Physics 105, 083525 (2009)External link
Alignment of Semiconductor Nanowires Using Ion Beams Borschel, R. Niepelt, S. Geburt, C. Gutsche, I. Regolin,F.J. Tegude, W. Prost, D. Stichtenoth, D. Schwen, C. Ronning Small 5, 2576 (2009)External link
Optical transmission of a ZnO nanowire waveguide under femtosecond pulse excitation Voss, G.T. Svacha, E. Mazur, S. Müller, C. Ronning Nanotechnology 20, 095702 (2009)External link
Axial pn-junctions realized in silicon by ion implantation Hofmann, J. Bauer, C. Ronning, T. Stelzner, O. Breitstein, J. Michler, O. Baliff, V. Sivakov, S. Christiansen Nano Letters 9, 1341 (2009)External link
Comparative study of self-assembling of multilayers using reactive sputter deposition and mass selective ion beam deposition W.Y. Wu , J.M. Ting , H. Zutz , D. Lyzwa , I. Gerhards , C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss Diamond and Related Materials 17 (2008) 1494External link
Nanomaterial electronic structure investigation by valence electron energy loss spectroscopy - An example of doped ZnO nanowires J. Wang , Q.Li , D. Stichtenoth , S. Müller , C. Ronning Micron 39 (2008) 703External link
Scalable fabrication of nanowire photonic and electronic circuts using spin-on glass M. Zimmler , F. Capasso , D. Stichtenoth , C. Ronning , W. Yei , V. Narayanamurti , T. Voss Nano Letters 8 (2008) 1695External link
High order waveguiding modes in ZnO nanowires T. Voss , G.T. Svacha , E. Mazur , S. Müller , C. Ronning , D. Konjhodzic, F. Marlow Nano Letters 7 (2007) 3675 External link
Modeling the carrier mobility in nanowire channel FET W. Prost , K. Blekker , Q.-T. Do , I. Regolin , D. Stichtenoth , S. Müller , K. Wegener , C. Ronning , F.J. Tegude in Low-dimesional materials synthesis, assembly, property scaling, and modeling, M. Shim, M. Kuno, X. Lin, R. Pachter, S. Kumar (eds.) Mat. Res. Soc. Sympo. Proc. Vol. 1017 (2007) DD14-06 External link
Dimensional dependence of the dynamics of the Mn 3d5 luminescence in (Zn,Mn)S nanowires and and nanobelts L. Chen , T. Niebling , W. Heimbrodt , D. Stichtenoth , C. Ronning , P.J. Klar Physical Review B 76 (2007) 115325 External link
Properties of V-implanted ZnO nanorods E. Schlenker , A. Bakin , H. Schmid , W. Mader , M. Albrecht , C. Ronning , S. Müller , M. Al-Suleiman , B. Postels , H.H. Wehmann , U. Siegner, A. Waag Nanotechnology 18 (2007) 125609 External link
Optical size effects in ultrathin ZnO nanowires D. Stichtenoth , T. Niermann , P.C. Chang , C.J. Chien , Jia Grace Lu , L. Wischmeier , T. Voss , C. Ronning Nanotechnology 18 (2007) 435701 External link
Ultrafast carrier dynamics in tetrahedral amorphous carbon films: carrier trapping vs. electron-hole recombination E. Carpene , E. Mancini , C. Dallera , S. De Silvestri , D. Schwen , C. Ronning New Journal of Physics 9 (2007) 404 External link
Magnetic characterization of ZnO doped with Vanadium E. Schlenker , A. Bakin , B. Postels , A.C. Mofor , M. Kreye , C. Ronning , S. Sievers , M. Albrecht , U. Siegner , R. Kling , A. Waag Superlattices and Microstructures 42 (2007) 236 External link
Ion induced nanoscale surface ripples on ferromagnetic films with correlated magnetic structure K. Zhang , F. Rotter , J. Krauser , M. Uhrmacher , C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss New Journal of Physics 9 (2007) 29 External link
Magnetic rare earth (Gd) implanted tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) L. Zheng , E. Helgren , H. Zutz , C. Ronning , F. Hellman "Magnetic thin films, heterostructures, and device materials", T. Ambrose, W. Bailey, D. Keaveny, Y.D. Park (eds.) Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. Vol. 941 (2006) 8-22 External link
Growth and properties of zinksulfid nanowires D. Stichtenoth , D. Schwen , S. Müller , C. Borchers , C. Ronning in "Functional Properties of nanostructured Materials", R. Kassing, P. Petkov, W. Kulisch, C. Popov (eds.) NATO Science Series 223 (2006) 407-411
Manganese doped ZnO nanobelts for spintronics C. Ronning , P.X. Gao , Y. Ding , Z.L. Wang , D. Schwen Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004) 783-785 External link, selected for: Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 9 (2004) Issue 5
Conductivity of ion tracks in diamond-like carbon films and field emission J.H. Zollondz , J. Krauser , A. Weidinger , C. Trautmann , D. Schwen , C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss , B. Schultrich Diamond and Related Materials 12 (2003) 938-941 External link
Lanthanide doped cubic boron nitride U. Vetter , T. Taniguchi , U. Wahl , J. Correia , A. Müller , C. Ronning , H.Hofsäss , M. Dietrich in "Progress in Semiconductor Materials II--Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications" B. D. Weaver, M. O. Manasreh, C. Jagadish, S. Zollner (eds.) Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. Vol. 744 (2003) M8.38 External link
Lattice Location and Cathodoluminescence Studies of Ytterbium/Thulium Implanted 2H-Aluminium Nitride U. Vetter , M. F. Reid , H. Hofsäss , C. Ronning , J. Zenneck , M. Dietrich , ISOLDE Collaboration in "GaN and Related Alloys", E.T. Yu, Y. Arakawa, A. Rizzi, J. S. Speck, C.M. Wetzel (eds.) Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 743 (2003) L6.16 External link
Elastic properties of cBN films by surface Brillouin scattering P. Zinin , M. H. Manghnani , X. Zhang , H. Feldermann , C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss in "Smart Nondestructive Evaluation for Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems", Kundu (ed.) Proceedings of SPIE 4702 (2002) 389-396 External link
Ion beam synthesis of amorphous carbon thin films containing metallic nanoclusters I. Gerhards , C. Ronning , U. Vetter , H. Hofsäss , H. Gibhardt , G. Eckold , Y.L. Huang , M. Seibt , Q. Li , S.T. Lee Surface and Coating Technology 158 (2002) 114 External link
Implantation sites of In, Cd, and Hf ions in diamond K. Bharuth-Ram , A. Burchard , M. Deicher , H. Hofsäss , H. Quintel , M. Restle , C. Ronning Physical Review B 64 (2001) 195207 External link
Ion beam deposition and surface processing of cubic boron nitride C. Ronning , H. Feldermann , H. Hofsäss in Proceedings of the 6th Applied Diamond / 2nd Frontier Carbon Technology Joint Conference (ADC/FCT), (, Y. Tzeng, K. Miyoshi, M. Yoshikawa, M. Murakawa, Y. Koga, K. Kobashi, G.A.J. Amaratunga (eds.) Nasa/CP 2001 210948 (2001) 571-576
Film growth using mass separated ion beams H. Hofsäss , C. Ronning , H. Feldermann in "Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry", J. L. Duggan, I. Lon Morgan (eds.) AIP Conference Proceedings 576 (2001) 947-950 External link
Conventional and pendeo-epitaxial growth og GaN(0001) thin films on Si(111) substrates R.F. Davis , T. Gehrke , K.J. Linthicum , E. Preble , P. Rajagopal , C. Ronning , C. Zorman , M. Mehregany Journal of Crystal Growth 231 (2001) 335-341 External link
Superhard, conductive coatings for atomic force microscopy cantilevers C. Ronning , O. Wondratscheck , M. Büttner , H. Hofsäss , J. Zimmermann , P. Leiderer , J. Boneberg Applied Physics Letters 79 (2001) 3053-3055 External link
Conducting ion tracks in diamond-like carbon films J. Krauser , A. Weidinger , V. Hoffmann , C. Trautmann , B. Schultrich , C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss Nasa/CP 210948 (2001) 400-405 External link, in Proceedings of the 6th Applied Diamond / 2nd Frontier Carbon Technology Joint Conference (ADC/FCT), Y. Tzeng, K. Miyoshi, M. Yoshikawa, M. Murakawa, Y. Koga, K. Kobashi, G.A.J. Amaratunga (eds.)
Graphitic Nanowires Embedded in Diamond-Like Carbon Films J. Krauser , V. Hoffmann , W. Harneit , M. Waiblinger , N. Stolterfoht , A. Weidinger , C. Trautmann , H. Hofsäss , C. Ronning , B. Schultrich , H. Sturm AIP Conference Proceedings 591 (2001) 507-510 External link
Photoluminescence characterization of Mg implanted GaN C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss , A. Stötzler , M. Deicher , E.P. Carlson , P.J. Hartlieb , T. Gehrke , P. Rajagopal , R.F. Davis in "GaN and Related Alloys", H. Amano, T.H. Myers, R.M. Feenstra, M.S. Shur (eds.) Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 595 (2000) U622-U628 External link, and MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res. 5S1, W11.44 (2000)
Ion implanted impurities in GaN and AlN: lattice sites, annealing behavior and defect recovery C. Ronning , M. Dalmer , M. Uhrmacher , M. Restle , U. Vetter , L. Ziegeler , H. Hofsäss , T. Gehrke , K. Järrendahl , R.F. Davis Journal of Applied Physics 87 (2000) 2149-2157 External link
Properties of ion beam deposited tetrahedral fluorinated amorphous carbon films (ta-C:F) C. Ronning , R. Merk , H. Feldermann , F. Harbsmeier , H. Hofsäss in "Amorphous and Nanostructured carbon", T. Allen, B.F. Coll, J. Robertson, J.P. Sullivan (eds.) Mat. Res. Soc. Sympo. Proc. Vol. 593 (2000) 335-340 External link
Characterization of superhard materials and thin films by surface brillouin scattering X. Zhang , M.H. Manghnani , P. Zinin , H. Feldermann , C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss , I.A. Trojan , A.G. Lyapin , V.V. Brazhkin , W. Rafaniello in Proceedings of the AIRAPT-17, M.H. Manghnani, W.J. Nellis, M.F. Nicol (eds.) Science and Technology of High Pressure 2 (2000) 941-944
Hydrogen-plasma etching of ion beam deposited c-BN films: An in situ investigation of the surface with electron spectroscopy P. Reinke , P. Oelhafen , H. Feldermann , C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss Journal of Applied Physics 88 (2000) 5597-5604 External link
Valence band discontinuity, surface reconstruction, and chemistry of (0001), (000-1), and (1-100) 2H-AlN / 6H-SiC interfaces W. King , R.F. Davis , C. Ronning , M.C. Benjamin , R.J. Nemanich Journal of Applied Physics 86 (1999) 4483-4490External link
Characterization of Be-implanted GaN annealed at high temperatures Ronning , K.J. Linthicum , E.P. Carlson , P.J. Hartlieb , D.B. Thomson , T. Gehrke , R.F. Davis in "GaN and Related Alloys", C. Kuo, T. Uenoyama, S.J. Pearton, A. Wright (eds.) Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 537 (1999)External link , and MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res. 4S1, G3.17 (1999)
Combination of emission channeling, photoluminescence and Mössbauer spectroscopy to identify rare earth defect complexes in semiconductors Dalmer , U. Vetter , M. Restle , A. Stötzler , H. Hofsäss , C. Ronning , M.K. Moodley , K. Bharuth-Ram Hyperfine Interaction 120/ 121 (1999) 347-352External link
Lattice site and diffusion of ion-implanted Li in as-grown and Se-rich ZnSe Bharuth-Ram , M. Restle , H. Hofsäss , C. Ronning , U. Wahl Physica B 274 (1999) 875-878External link
Pendeo-epitaxial growth of GaN on SiC and silicon substrates via metalorganic chemical vapor deposition J. Linthicum , T. Gehrke , D. Thomson , C. Ronning , E.P. Carlson , C.A. Zorman , M. Mehregany , R.F. Davis in "Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors for High-Power, High-Frequency and High-Temperature Applications", S. Binari, A. Burk, M. Melloch, C. Nguyen (eds.) Mat. Res. Soc. Sympo. Proc. Vol. 572 (1999) 307-313External link
Elastic properties of hard c-BN films by surface brillouin scattering H. Manghnani , X. Zhang , S. Tkachev , P. Zinin , H. Feldermann , C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss , A.G. Every in "Nondestructive characterization of Materials IX", R.E. Green, Jr. (ed.) AIP Conference Proceding 497 (1999) 315-320External link
Electrically conducting ion tracks in diamond-like carbon films for field emission Waiblinger, C. Sommerhalter, B. Pietzak, J. Krauser , B. Mertesacker , M.C. Lux-Steiner, S. Klaumünzer, A. Weidinger , C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss Applied Physics A 69 (1999) 239-240 External link
Lattice location and luminescence behavior of rare earth elements implanted in GaN M. Dalmer, M. Restle , A. Stötzler , U. Vetter , H. Hofsäss , M.D. Bremser , C. Ronning , R.F. Davis in "Nitride Semiconductors", S. DenBaars, B. Meyer, S. Nakamura, F. Ponce (eds.) Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. Vol. 482 (1998) 1021-1026External link
Lattice site location studies of ion implanted 8Li in GaN M. Dalmer, M. Restle , M. Sebastian , U. Vetter , H. Hofsäss , M. Bremser , C. Ronning , R.F. Davis , U. Wahl , K. Bharuth-Ram Journal of Applied Physics 84 (1998) 3085-3089External link
Modelling of the ion beam growth of covalently bonded diamondlike materials H. Hofsäss , M. Sebastian , H. Feldermann , R. Merk , C. Ronning in "Covalently Bonded Disordered Thin-Film Materials", D.R. McKenzie, J. Jaskie, W.I. Milne, M. Siegal (eds.) Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 498 (1998) 129-134External link
Synthesis and properties of cubic boron nitride thin films H. Feldermann , M. Sebastian , R. Merk , M. Restle , C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss in "Hard coatings based on borides, carbides & nitrides", A. Kumar, Y.W. Chung, R.W.J. Chia (eds.) Proceedings of the TMS (1998) 143-152External link
Carbon transport in Si(001) and nucleation of diamond-like carbon layers during mass selected ion beam deposition S. Christiansen , M. Albrecht , G. Frank , H.P. Strunk , C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss , E. Recknagel Diamond and Related Materials 7 (1998) 15-22External link
Cylindrical spike model for the formation of diamondlike thin films by ion deposition H. Hofsäss , H. Feldermann , R. Merk , M. Sebastian , C. Ronning Applied Physics A 66 (1998) 153-181External link
Structural and electronic properties of boron nitride thin films containing silicon C. Ronning , A.D. Banks , B.L. McCarson , R. Schlesser , Z. Sitar , R.F. Davis , B.L. Wrad , R.J. Nemanich Journal of Applied Physics 84 (1998) 5046-5051External link
Behavior of the potential n-type dopants P and As in diamond after low dose ion implantaion H. Hofsäss , M. Dalmer , M. Restle , C. Ronning , K. Bharuth-Ram , H. Quintel in "Defects in Electronic Materials II", J. Michel, T. Kennedy, K. Wada, K. Thonke (eds.) Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. Vol. 442 (1997) 675-680External link
Recovery of structural defects in GaN after heavy ion implantation C. Ronning , M. Dalmer , M. Deicher , M. Restle , H. Hofsäss , M.D. Bremser , R.F. Davis in "Gallium Nitride and Related Materials II", C.R. Abernathy, H. Amano, J.C. Zolper (eds.) Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. Vol. 468 (1997) 407-412External link
Observation of boron bound excitons in boron-implanted and annealed natural IIa-diamond H. Sternschulte , S. Wahl , K. Thonke , R. Sauer , H. Hofsäss , M. Dalmer , C. Ronning Applied Physics Letters 71 (1997) 2668-2670External link
Quantitative analysis of chemically-enhanced sputtering during ion beam deposition of carbon nitride thin films H. Hofsäss , C. Ronning , H. Feldermann , M. Sebastian in "Materials Modification and Synthesis by ion beam Processing",D.E. Alexander, N.W. Cheung, B. Park, W. Skorupa (eds.) Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 438 (1997) 575-580External link
Thin film growth of group III nitrides by mass separated ion beam deposition C. Ronning , E. Dreher , H. Feldermann , M. Sebastian , J. Zweck , R. Fischer , H. Hofsäss in "III-V Nitrides", F.A. Ponce, T.D. Moustakas, I. Akasaki, B.A. Monemar (eds.) Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 449 (1997) 331-336External link
Ion beam deposition and doping of diamondlike materials H. Hofsäss , C. Ronning in "Beam Processing of Advanced Materials", J. Singh, S.M. Copley, J. Mazumder (eds.) Conference Proceedings of ASM (1996) 29-56
Amorphization of ZnSe by ion implantation at low temperature S.G. Jahn , H. Hofsäss , M. Restle , C. Ronning , H. Quintel , K. Bharuth-Ram in "Ion Beam Modification of Materials", J.S. Williams, R.G. Elliman, M.C. Ridgway (eds.), Elsevier Science B.V. (1996) 907-911
Ion implantation doping of diamond studied by PAC and emission channeling K. Bharuth-Ram , A. Burchard , M. Deicher , K. Freitag , H. Hofsäss , R. Magerle , H. Quintel , M. Restle , C. Ronning Hyperfine Interactions (C) 1 (1996) 211-214
CxN1-x thin films prepared by mass separated ion beam deposition H. Hofsäss , C. Ronning , U. Griesmeier , M. Gross in "Beam-Solid Interactions for Materials Synthesis and Characterization", D.E. Luzzi, T.F. Heinz, M. Iwaki, D.C. Jacobson (eds.) Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 354 (1995) 93-98External link
Electrical characterization of p-n and p-i-n diode structures made by ion beam deposition of doped diamond-like carbon H. Hofsäss , C. Ronning , U. Griesmeier , M. Gross , A. Cedvall , E. Dreher , J. Biegel in "Applications of Diamond Films and Related Materials", A. Feldman, Y. Tzeng, W.A. Yarbrough, M. Yoshikawa, M. Murakawa (eds.), Third International Conference (1995) 775-778
Mass separated ion beam deposition: a unique technique to grow DLC, c-BN and CN thin films C. Ronning , H. Hofsäss in "Diamond Materials IV", K.V. Ravi, J.P. Dismukes (eds.) Electrochemical Society Proc. Vol. 95- 4 (1995) 359-364
Conduction processes in boron and nitrogen doped diamond-like carbon films prepared by mass separated ion beam deposition C. Ronning , U. Griesmeier , M. Gross , H. Hofsäss , R.G. Downing , G.P. Lamaze Diamond and Related Materials 4 (1995) 666-672External link
Characterization of doped diamondlike carbon films and multilayers H. Hofsäss , J. Biegel , C. Ronning , R.G. Downing , G.P. Lamaze in "Materials Synthesis and Processing using Ion Beams", R.J. Culbertson, O.W. Holland, K.S. Jones, K. Maex (eds.) Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 316 (1994) 881-886 External link